
Little Rabbit Foo Foo (Retold by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Arthur Robins)

Little Rabbit Foo Foo

Little Rabbit Foo Foo是一首蠻知名的美國童謠,內容描述頑皮(其實應該是頑劣)的Little Rabbit Foo Foo拿著槌子欺負森林裡的動物,仙女看不過去,於是給他三次機會,提醒他要改過。沒想到Little Rabbit Foo Foo不斷再犯,於是仙女就把Little Rabbit Foo Foo變成goonie了。

非常簡單的內容,但是節奏輕快,邊唸邊唱還蠻有感染力的。兒子們最近愛極了這個故事,想到就會把書拿過來,挨著我說要聽Rabbit Foo Foo的故事(他們念起來像阿貝Foo Foo)。彼此看到對方不乖的時候,還會互相威脅要把對方變成goonie,很有娛樂效果。

這首童謠有許多不同版本的歌詞,Michael Rosen改寫的歌詞如下:

(斜體字可用Down by the Station的旋律唱)

Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin' 'em on the head.

Down came the good fairy and she said,
"Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
I don't like your attitude
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin' 'em on the head.

I'll give you three chances,
And if you don't behave
I'll turn you into a goonie!"

The next day:
Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the wriggly worms
And boppin' 'em on the head.

Down came the good fairy and she said,
"Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
I don't like your attitude
Scooping up the wriggly worms
And boppin' 'em on the head.

I'll give you two more chances,
And if you don't behave
I'll turn you into a goonie!"

The next day:
Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the tigers
And boppin' 'em on the head.

Down came the good fairy and she said
"Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
I don't like your attitude
Scooping up the tigers
And boppin' 'em on the head.

You got one more chance,
And if you don't behave
I'll turn you into a goonie!"

The next day:
Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the goblins
And boppin' 'em on the head.

Down came the good fairy and she said,
"Little Rabbit Foo Foo,
I don't like your attitude
Scooping up the goblins
And boppin' 'em on the head.

You got no more chances,
And I'll turn you into a goonie! POW!"

Moral of the story:

這個版本裡,Arthur Robins的鋼筆和水彩畫風把頑劣的Little Rabbit Foo Foo和森林裡被捉弄的倒楣動物,還有其他看熱鬧的動物描繪的十分精采有趣,另外仙女的形象也是大顛覆,是以拿著黑色提著公事包的鄰居老太太形象登場,而且而且表情很兇惡,真是太妙了~

找到幾個YouTube clips,第一個是動畫版,畫風尚可,雖然歌詞內容不太一樣(被欺負的動物不一樣),不過旁白和歌曲非常清晰  



圖畫故事書方面,還有Paul Brett Johnson的版本-LittleBunny Foo Foo: Told and Sung By The Good Fairy,是以仙女的第一人稱口吻來切入,也蠻有趣的

Little Bunny Foo Foo: Told And Sung By The Good Fairy



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