Five Little Monkeys Sitting on a Tree (Eileen Christelow)
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (Eileen Christelow)
Goodnight Gorilla (Peggy Rathmann)
Killer Gorilla (Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross,原名Gorilla! Gorrilla!)
當天早上看了來聽故事的孩子的年紀後(兩個高年級男生、4個幼稚園至低年級左右的小朋友、3個三歲以下小女孩,共9個聽眾),現場決定Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed和Killer Gorilla。
1. Warm-up
- Finger Play: Where Is Thumbkin?
- Activity: Get to know the kids’ names and greet them by singing the song “Where Is Thumbkin?”and substitute with the kids’ names.
2. Storytelling (A): Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (Eileen Christelow)
3. Activities
- Finger Rhyme: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- Song and Movements: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
4. Storytelling (B): Killer Gorilla (Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross,原名Gorilla! Gorrilla!)
5. Activities
- Discussion: Have you ever seen a gorilla? What does a gorilla look like? What’s the difference between a gorilla and a monkey? Where do gorillas leave? What do gorillas eat for food? Are gorillas mean?
- Collage: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

第一個故事一如預期引起孩子們高昂的興趣,尤其看到小猴子很不記取教訓的一隻一隻跌下床去,他們更是忍不住哈哈大笑個不停。而最後一頁的surprising ending一樣是陪同的爸爸媽媽們笑的比較大聲,哈。
第二個故事是號稱“one of the classic picture book partnerships”的Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross的Killer Whale。封面凶狠的大猩猩插圖,著實把孩子們引導到“Gorillas are mean.”的思考方向,然後隨著故事裡找不到寶寶的老鼠媽媽躲避大猩猩的「追殺」,逃到中國、澳洲、美國、北極,看的出來孩子們的表情越來越緊張,甚至有幾個年紀小的小女生越坐越後面,我還把聲音和表情收斂了一點,生怕害他們回家作惡夢了。一直到最後,大猩猩緩緩伸出手來──掌心裏冒出老鼠媽媽朝思暮想的小老鼠,大家才「啊~」的一聲鬆了一口氣。
這個故事情節緊湊,結局溫馨又能引起思考,雖然有些小一點的孩子對澳洲、中國或北及這些地理名詞不太熟悉,但似乎並不影響對故事的理解。故事最後大猩猩問老鼠媽媽,“Who were you running from, Mouse?”讓大小朋友都很不好意思的笑了,是大家也在心理輕聲跟大猩猩說「對不起,誤會你了~」嗎?
雖然我個人不特別欣賞Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross的風格(感覺不管文字或圖畫都有點“loose”),不過這個故事我還蠻喜歡的。