Big and Little (Steve Jenkins)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Iza Trapani)
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs (Byron Barton)
乍看之下,似乎是完全沒有關連性的三本書,不過呢,我自訂的主題是「Big & Little」。嘿嘿,這就說的通啦~
先以Steve Jenkins的拼貼概念書Big and Little帶出相同或同類的動物有大小之分的概念,之後談談小的動物(這裡我選的是蜘蛛,所以挑了The Itsy Bitsy Spider,正好可以用唱的,讓接連的三個故事份量相對的輕一些);最後談到大型動物,當然就是不敗的恐龍主題啦~(考量圖書館來聽故事的多事低年級與學齡前的孩子,挑了Byron Barton的Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs,老少咸宜。)
I. Greeting and Warm-up:
- Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
II. Story (1): Big and Little (Steve Jenkins)
- Guide the students to tell the stories together using the patterns below:
Ss: Big, big, big. What is big?
T: The (tiger) is big.
Ss: Little, little, little. What is little?
T: The (cat) is little.
T+Ss: Tiger, cat, big and little.
- Discuss about each animal pairs, especially those unfamiliar ones.
III. Activity (1):
- Ss take turns to find out the animal pairs in the appendix of the picture book, and try to use the guided patterns to describe them, i.e.,
"The ___ is big. The ___ is little."
Or, "(Tiger), (cat), big and little."
Or simply "Big and little."
IV. Activity (2)
- Prepare picture cards of farm animals.
- Ss work in pairs to pick the animal cards, and use the patterns taught to describe them.
V. Activity (3): Guessing Game:
- Listen to the description and guess what insect it is. (Ans.: Spider)
VI. Story (2): The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Iza Trapani)
VII. Activity (4): Finger Rhyme (The Itsy Bitsy Spider)
VIII. Activity (5): Free Talking
- Discuss about dinosaurs, e.g., their names, features and sizes.
IX. Story (3): Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs (Byron Barton)
X. Activity (6): Follow the Footprint
- Follow dinosaurs' footprints and match the colors.
(* I'll post my self-made "Dinosaur Footprint Carpet" later.)
XI. T-Rex Finger Puppet (EnchantedLearning.com)