Love You Forever
Author/Illustrator: Robert Munsch / SheilaMcGraw
The mother sings to her sleeping baby: "I'll love you forever / I'll loveyou for always / As long as I'm living / My baby you'll be." She stillsings the same song when her baby has turned into a fractious 2-year-old, aslovenly 9-year-old, and then a raucous teen. So far so ordinary--but this isone persistent lady. When her son grows up and leaves home, she takes todriving across town with a ladder on the car roof, climbing through her grownson's window, and rocking the sleeping man in the same way. Then, inevitably,the day comes when she's too old and sick to hold him, and the roles are atlast reversed. Each stage is illustrated by one of Sheila McGraw's comic andyet poignant pastels.
這是我最愛的一本書之一,喜歡作者Robert Munsch精練卻溫暖的文字,喜歡繪者輕柔的水彩畫風,喜歡故事中母親在孩子不同階段的付出與愛,更喜歡那首溫暖而催人熱淚的歌。
這本書是從一首歌開始延伸出來的,故事裡的歌曲非常有感染力,我大約唱第三次時,幾個女孩子已經可以跟著一起哼。即使沒有刻意教唱,故事的最後,所有的孩子都能一起唱了。我唱的版本其實跟Robert Monsch的不太一樣,不過就像作者在他的官網中說的,每個人都應該有自己的「Love You Forever」。
在Robert Monsch的官網裡有他關於這本書的創作背景的說明(才知道為什麼這本書跟他其他作品的幽默風格如此不同)。
Love You Forever started as a song.
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as I'm living
my baby you'll be."
I made that up after my wife and I hadtwo babies born dead. The song was my song to my dead babies. For a long time I had it in my head and I couldn't even sing it because every time I tried tosing it I cried. It was very strange having a song in my head that I couldn't sing.
For a long time it was just a song but one day, while telling stories at a big theatre at the University of Guelph, it occurred to me that I might be able to make a story around the song.
Out popped Love You Forever, pretty much the way it is in the book.
My regular publisher felt that it was not really a kid's book and I ended up doing it with another publisher.
One day the publisher called up and said, "This is very strange. It is selling very well in retirementcommunities in Arizona. It is selling in retirement communities where kids are illegal. This is supposed to be a children's book. What is going on?"
"Grownups are buying it forgrownups!"
In fact, it turned out that parents buyit for grandparents and grandparents buy it for parents and kids buy it for everybody and everybody buys it for kids.
As a matter of fact, everybody buys i tfor everybody. That's why it sells a lot of copies. I think it's my best book. So far it has sold about 15,000,000 copies.
Everybody makes up their own song for this book. I would like to put different versions of the song up on this site, now that the site has sound on it. If you send me your version, either as a tape or an audio file or a MR3 file, I will try to put it up in the LOVE YOU page. If lots of people send me their versions, I will not be able to put them all up, but I would like to hear them even if I can't put them on the site.
The way I sing it in the story is just MY version. You are supposed to make up your own.
這本書英文版有兩個版本,我個人比較喜歡Sheila McGraw畫的這個版本(左,Robert Monsch的官網上放的也是這個版本)。
聽作者講故事 (MP3 file)
第一個短片是作者Robert Munsch說故事。聲音表情非常豐富,很dramatic,文字跟書不完全一樣(例如他把每一個階段的媽媽說的話都改成"This kid is driving me crazy~",比較有加深印象的效果。可以聽到歌曲。