這段Finger Rhyme上傳好久了,一直忘了貼過來分享。

這首Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar手指謠是以前一位外師同事分享的,我常用來在故事時間跟孩子們邊玩邊唱。可是打算在網路上跟大家分享時,發現在YouTube找不到任何清晰版本,倒是有幾段孩子唸唱的版本,好可愛,不過旋律跟我聽到的版本都有一些些差異。只好自己粉墨登場,獻醜囉 

旋律是The Laughing Policeman,歌詞有很多種版本,我分享的是下面這個版本:

The fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar,

Wiggled down that tree.

He wiggled long, he wiggled short,

He wiggled right at me.

I put him in a covered box,

"Don’t go away!" I said.

But when I looked inside again,

There's a butterfly instead.

Oh, I could never make it, even if I tried.

Only God in heaven can make a butterfly.





 the very hungry caterpillar   caterpillar   tadpole The Caterpillar and the Polliwog

        Charlie the Caterpillar          Gotta Go Gotta Go 



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