

這一天我們有兩位志工一起輪值,我們事先討論好以「Clothes」為主題,另一位夥伴說的是Froggy Gets Dressed(by Jonathan London,我的最愛之一,名列「不敗故事」前幾名),我負責後半段,挑了Jan Brett的The Hat。

The Hat (Jan Brett) 


I.  Warm-up

II.  Story: The Hat (by Jan Brett)

III.  Activity 1: Memory and Matching Game (Have the kids look at the last two pages of the book carefully.  Then close the book and ask, “What did the horse wear?” or “Who wore the gloves?”  Kids try to point to the felt pieces of clothes and answer.

IV.  Activity 2: What’s Missing? (Place the felt pieces of clothes on the floor.  Have the kids look carefully before closing their eyes.  While their eyes were closed, take one clothes item away.  Then have the kids open their eyes and answer what’s missing.)

V.   Activity 3: Craft (Origami Hat)

VI.  Activity 4: Song and Movement (Kids wear their self-made paper hat and sing and do the actions with the song “Walking, Walking.”  After the song, those who still have their paper hats on can bring the hats home.

VII.   Wrap-up



1. 故事時間和活動1-2均使用自製的「felt pieces of clothes」(如下圖),幫助故事呈現,增加樂趣。(當天教具拿出來時,不只孩子們,連後方的家長們也瞪大了眼。有個孩子非常真誠的說「好漂亮的毛衣喔,真想穿~」,實在太可愛了~)

Felt Pieces of Clothes 1203 7.jpg

2. 活動1的記憶與配對活動中,另使用「Animal Stick Puppets」(如下圖),圖檔來自Jan Brett的官網。除了用來作配對的活動,也適合偶戲演出或角色扮演。

1203 6.jpg 

3. 故事中,共出現七種動物和七種衣物名稱,孩子們居然可以在十秒內正確記下來,全部配對成功,好厲害哇!

4. Paper Hat作法請參考這裡。用四開的書面紙做Origami Hat,剛剛好適合孩子們的頭圍尺寸。當天幾個比較大的孩子快手快腳折好以後,還出現了「變化型」,帶起來更fit更好看,好可惜沒空拍下來。

5. 本來這一天志工服務只有我一個人,所以我準備的另一個故事是夫妻檔Judy & Ron Barrett的Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing,書名與The Hat的故事結尾呼應,內容非常幽默好笑,是跟衣服主題有關的推薦繪本。

6. 最近有幾位也在圖書館當英文故事志工的老師,跟我討論關於選書的問題。圖書館故事時間因為人數不定、年齡不定、學習程度不定,所以個人認為,除了依學習程度選書之外,故事本身的「樂趣」更重要。


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